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Farther Away

I took their smiles and I made them mine
I,I sold my soul just to hide the light
And now I see what I really am
A thief a whore, and a liar
I run to you
Call out your name
I see you there, father away

Im numb to you - numb and deaf and blind
You give me all but the reason why
I reach but I feel only air at night
Not you, not love, just nothing
I run to you
Call out your name
I see you there, father away

Try to forget you
But without you I feel nothing
Don't leave me here, by myself
I can't breathe
I run to you
Call out your name
I see you there, father away

I run to you
Call out your name
I see you there, father away
Farther away
Father away
Father away
Father away
Father away


Evanescence - Farther Away Letras de
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